Results Are In - Grazia BlackBerry Fash Factor design

Dear Readers,

I want to say a very heartfelt thank you to all of you who voted for my phone design in the Grazia Magazine BlackBerry Fash Factor Competition...

My 'Free Spirit' phone cover design came in SECOND in the public votes (out of the 208 entries) with a magical 111 votes!

The winner was revealed in todays issue of Grazia magazine. Congratulations to Mairi for her 'Liberty Pop' design (below).  The judges apparently choose her image as it featured their own Liberty fabric designs.... A little bit deceptive in the entry instructions, as it said you could upload your own designs too, but there you go. 

The two that came in first and second in the public vote interestingly are both original artworks.

Anyway, you can see Mairi's design at 9th place (equal) with 13 votes, in the top image, second from the left, in the third column of covers.

Thanks again for all your kindness and support.
Blessings of beauty!

Catherine Athena xo 

Ps... For those who are familiar with Doreen Virtue's 'Angel Numbers' you will see where this little postscript is heading... 

Just after I posted this post above, a friend from Melbourne Australia 'changed my frequency' again! She sent me a message to say she had just voted, taking me up to magical 112 : ) I don't believe in coincidences... and I love all the signposts and way-markers being shown to us (if we have the eyes to see them)
C xo


  1. YAY Cat I am happy for you this is a great achievement, I love your design and your work in general, sadly some of contest briefings are confusing, but there you go... you have tons of fans now, including me!!
    good luck with your zazzle sales, I am sure it will be a best seller.

    1. Bless you Rosie... thanks so much for your kind words and support! C x

  2. Love your design, very nice showing! And your site is also so inspiring. Fabulous, Cat!

  3. Congratulations! It is a beautiful design! :)

  4. Congrats Cat!!!! Luck favors the creative. (wink)


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